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cocoa touch - How to make changes to a component added via Cocoapods -

I am using a component that is working well, but I want to make a change (Padding to add something so that the pop-up could not touch the edge of the screen). In Setup Function - I can see where to change the code in setup - but of course I do not want to overwrite the changes while updating my pods. I can make a subclass, but the change is right in the middle of a huge function, so overriding is that the whole function does not look like a great idea. Is there a better way? Many thanks.

objective c - How do I add a UIView to a scrollview that doesn't move? -

I have a scrollview that scrolls vertically through a large UIView. I want to add another small UIVV to the place that lives in the same place (floating), no matter where you go. Why do not you add small UIIVOs to the supervision of ScrollView? Say your view hierarchy is as follows: UIView (main) ScrollView UIView (big) Resize your small UIView and fix UIView (main) ScrollView UIView (large) UIView (main) short)

c - The joining operator ";" in my shell isn't working properly -

I have written a simple shell in C, and I ""; The operator is working properly, the user typing command will be 1; Command2 and Shell execute the first command in the command line followed by the second command. However, it seems that, for whatever reason, it is executing only the second order. Why does anyone have an idea? This special section of my code is: four * next = strchr (cmd, ';'); While (next! = Null) {/ * 'next' number ';' * / * Next = '\ 0'; Input = run (CMD, input, first, 0); CMD = next + 1; Next = strchr (CMD, ';'); First = 0; } Your code is working for me just to handle the corner case The condition is added. Please check the code below. four * next = strchr (cmd, ';'); While (next! = Null) {/ * 'next' number ';' * / * Next = '\ 0'; Input = run (CMD, input, first, 0); Printf ("% s \ n", CMD); CMD = next + 1; Next = strchr (CMD, ';'); If (NULL == Next) {i

python - Calculate STD manually using Groupby Pandas DataFrame -

I was trying to write a solution, which is a different and a manual for calculating a mean and STD The way. I have created a = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"] B = [3,4,7,3] C = [5,4,1,4] D = [7,8,3,7] Pd DF = PD to import pandals DataFrame (index = class (4), column = list ("ABCD")) DF ["A"] = A DF ["B"] = BDF ["C"] = C DF ["D"] = D Again, I made a list of A duplication. Then I went through the group all the time of the objects and calculated the solution. import as np l = list (set (df.A)) df.groupby ('A', As_index = False) listMean = [0] * len (df.C) ListSTD = [0] * L in the LAN (df.C) X: s = np.mean (df [df ['A'] == x] for C =.) = Z = [index for index, enumerate In the object (df ['a']. Value] x == item i for z: listMean [i] = s in: s = np.std (df [df ['a'] == X] .cvalues) z = index for index, enumerate item (df ['a']. Value) if x ==

java - @PluginTarget(Node.class) not registering as neo4j plugin -

Simple class below will not show as a plugin package com.danmacias neoneoteplugin ; Import java.util.ArrayList; Import java.util.list; Import org.neo4j.graphdb. *; Import org.neo4j.server.plugins *; Import org.neo4j.graphalgo *; // import org.neo4j.tooling.GlobalGraphOperations; @ Description (expansion of Neo4j server to achieve all nodes or relationships) Public class GetPaths expanded the server plugin {@ name ("breadth_first_paths") @ Description ("first wide travel traversal of specific node"). @plugin target (node ​​class) public shaky & lt; Path & gt; GetPaths (@ Source Node Graphidi) {ArrayList & lt; Path & gt; Path = new arreelist & lt; & Gt; (); Return path; }} curl return {"extension": {"GetAll": {"get_all_nodes": "http: // localhost: 7474 / db / ext / GetAll / graphdb / get_all_nodes "} ...}, But when I Node.class both conditions GraphDatabaseService I change with Class ,

java - Can't add JTree to JPanel of a JInternalFrame -

There are two panels in my JInternalframe. I want to add TopPanel to Jtree to nominate another. But I can not add Jaitari to the top of the panel. Please help me in this piece of code: DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("deck"); DefaultMutableTreeNode Item Clubs = New DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Club"); AddAllCard (itemClubs); Root.add (itemClubs); DefaultMutableTreeNode item = New DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Diamonds"); AddAllCard (itemDiamonds); Root.add (itemDiamonds); DefaultMutableTreeNode Itemspads = New DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Spades"); AddAllCard (itemSpades); Root.add (itemSpades); DefaultMutableTreeNode item increases = new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("heart"); AddAllCard (itemHearts); Root.add (itemHearts); Default Trimodel Tree Model = New DefaultTreeModel (Route); Tree = new jetty (tree modal); ScrollPane = new JScrollPane (tree); // scrollPane.setViewportView (tree); . ScrollPane.getViewport () add (tr

ajax - How to crawl asynchronized content by Java? -

I need to crawl a site by java, while one stream of content is loaded by ajax. Does anyone have the experience of finding that material? Thank you! You can use it. This is an uninterrupted browser. For example, with the html unit you can press the button on the page, wait for the content loaded by AJAX and catch it.