ajax - How to implement infinite scroll, endless pagination using the zinnia blog app from Django -
This is my first question
I apply an infinite scrolling (or pointing to an infinite page number) Want to do a blog powered by the app from the DJ
My blog structure is similar to the Ziny blog, I have not coded anything except this. I tried to use "django endless pagination" because this documentation says that I can make one but I can not solve the code snippets from it.
I do not mind if the DNS can be resolved using endless endorsement.
My pipe freeze looks like this:
Django == 1.5.1 Pillow == 2.3.1 Argroup == 1.2. 1 Sundersoop 4 = 4.3.2 Dejego-Blog-Zenia == 0.13 Djenne-endless-pagering == 2.0 django-filebrowser == 3.5.6 DJENGOGO-GREPELI == 2.4.10 DJGENGO-Freed == 0.6.0 DJENGOGO- Tagging == 0.3.2 Dzego-Tinnimex == 1.5.2 Dzego-XLLPC = 0.1.5 Easy-thumbnail == 1.3 FeederPerser == 5.1.3 Pipersing == 2.0.1 PITES == 2014.2 Raven == 4.2.1 wsgiref == 0.1.2
I appreciate your suggestions I do.
PD: Tell me if you need something else to give me the correct answer
You can do this in the customer's favor using this library:
Works fine in this way:
$ (document) .ready ( Infinitescroll ({navSelector: '.paginator', nextSelector: '.paginator .nxt a', item selector: '.', Content selector: 'get rid of one side', buffer Px: 1000, Max. Page: 5, Loading: {msgText: ' p & gt; Chargement des article suivants ... & lt; / P & gt; ', end message:' ', img:' /static/img/loader.gif ',},}, function (new elements) {$ (new elements) .find (' pre '). (Function (i, e) {hljs.highlightBlock (e)});});});
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