ruby - Patching a Rails application (Redmine) from plugin -
I am trying to write a validator plugin for Redline 2.5.0 which is on Rail 3. The plugin should check the conditions under a certain value and circumstances of a digit
are not done. I have written the plugin code, but in any way I can not accept the changes made to me by Redmond.
I have the following plugin projects:
product_release_control | _ Config | _ Lib | | _ Patch | | _ Issues_patch.rb | _init.rb
In my isssues_patch.rb
I have the following code:
Module Product Component Control Module Issue Patch def Self.included (Support ) Base.send (included, instaem method) base.clash_real is unloadable: check_related_task and end module instant deed check_related_task "**** product release patch method" # code here is the end of end End Action Dispatch :: Callback and release.Continue.and (: includes , Product Release Control :: Issue Patch) and
and init.rb
as follows:
#encoding: utf -8 requires' patches / issues_patch '' redmine :: plugin.register: product_release_control name 'product release control plugin' author 'author's name' description '...' version '0.0.1' end
The problem is that after executing rake redmine: plugins: migr ate
and reloading Apache, I do not see any change when I Issue.included_modules
if I run Uje do not see my module list.
I also tried to move the ActionDispatch part to init.rb, but this should be done to me Uninitilized Continuous ProductReleaseControl
How do I include my patch in Redmond?
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