c# - DataGridview, How to get some value from second level of an item and show it in a new column? -
I am using c # asp.net and building a windows application. I created a datagrid view and set up the data source. Everything is working fine.
But I would like to add a new column to my DataGridView and set some values. This value is not available at the first level, but the second level of the item
See the example below:
Var searchResponse = Wait for the customer. Search Async (Search Parameters); & Lt; AuctionInfo & gt; DataSource = searchResponse.AuctionInfo; DataGridView1.DataSource = Data Source;
Now I'd like to add the value "fullname" to a new column:
foreach (var in auction search Search.resolution.AuctionInfo) {var item = wait client.GetItemAsync (Auction insights); String fullname = string Format ("{0} {1}", Item. First name, Item. Listname); }
How can I apply it? If you set it "NewRowNeeded" you can put your value in the method:
Another way to count the rows in the table is to call the event "dgv1.RowCount" ... If you save the value on this one variable, just add a +1 to the counter:
< P> Code int counter = dvg1.RowCount; Counter ++; Dvg1.rows [counter] .cell [0]. Value = "do some things here";
You can call and set each cell as you edit the cells.
I hope this will help you! If this will not comment, and I will try to write some code for you. Be a good day
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