chef - Adding role to node does not work -
I'm following the exact syntax, but looking at some strange behavior by adding a role to one of my nodes
But instead it should run the following command that ideally works - the web server should be added to the do_node
Run list: recipe [roles]:
Knife node run_list add_node '
My workstation Win7 Machine & amp; Using hosted chef several times tried but only one thing was tried verbose output which does not appear completely!
What's happening is that
role [webserver]
is defined as a globe and it is completing the 'roles' directory in your chef directory. Thus, from the perspective of the knife, you have entered:
knife node run_list add_node roles
for the 'recipe [roles]' Generally, single quotes evoke such type of globing, but I have seen the issue of problem with Mingav. You can confirm that this is a problem trying to add a role that does not match any folder in your current directory:
Add knife node run_list do_node 'role [ Foo] '
The best way to quote your original order depends on your shell and terminal setup, but you can try the following:
Add knife node run_list add_node "role [webserver]" ''
add knife node run_list do_node "'roll [webserver]'"
with no double-quotes on the list item outside In Chef Issue Tracker many errors have been recorded against it: Here is one:
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