getting the last field of a string separated by a particular delimiter in bash -

I am writing a script that uses a set of files to bash scripting in a directory. The file I am trying to copy may already be present in the directory, so I have to rename the file to avoid changing the original file

For example, if I were to "abc. "and a file with the same name already exists, then I have to rename the file as" "and copy it.

If the destination is "" and "" then the file name must be ""

I a code snippet Written by:

# $ is the absolute path to the original file in the file # $ path is the full path for the copied file in Copypath = "$ path" echo "$ Path "count = 1 while [-f" $ path "] part1 =` counterpart '$ copypath ". ("I (NF-1)))}} END {} "part2 =" countercurrent "$ copypath" | "$" "$ Count" "$ part1" count = 'expr "$" "{{FTS =" "} {printf ("% s ", $ NF)} END {}' path =" $ part1 "+ 1 It is very raw, but it is very raw. The file extension part and a better part of the name part can be better than the "copied CP" $ file "" $ path "

No way?

Thanks in advance

Answered a similar question

Here is a simple version (which mostly works), based on that link:

  part1 = "$ {Copypath% *} Remove the file extension (at least. * Suffix) part2 = "$ {copypath ## *.}" # Delete the base path (longest * .fix) path = "$ {part1} $ {Count} . $ {Part2} " 

And here is a complete answer that handles files without extensions:

  If [[$ $ copypath" = ~ [ ^ /.] [.] [^ /.] + $]] Then # copy path has an extension in part1 = "$ {copypath%. *}" Part2 = ". $ {Copypath ## *.}" And # There is no valid extension, so at the end, insert number 1 = "$ copypoint" part2 = "" fi path = "$ {part1} $ {count} $ {part2}"  


  • Whitespace is handled well.
  • Multiple points are handled as requested

    like becomes
  • Handles files without any extensions E.g. file becomes file1
  • Dot files with any extension are also handled properly. E.g. .bashrc becomes .bashrc1


  • Multiple Extensions Specially Controlled Are not there. For example archive.tar.gz becomes archive.tar1.gz instead of archive1.tar.gz
  • If the first part extension ends with dot, this is not considered an extension. For example this is a sentence .. becomes this is a sentence .. txt2
    Regular expression for doing this as an extension Changes to [^ /] [.] [^ /.] + $
  • Attempts to handle directories
  • Tested in bash only, unlikely to work with other shells (but can be changed to use grep .


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