ios - Custom Input View in Swift -

How many hours have I spent learning how to get a custom create / > To work, I have a grid of TextInputs (Scrabble board looks) to work, when pressed, custom inputView to insert text. Should load.

I've created a .xib file with the input element for UI elements . I was able to create a CustomInputViewController and looks at inputview , but is not able to get the actual TextInput , it's value / Is able to update the text .

Apple documentation seemed to be light on how it worked and I have seen that many tutorials are using obje-c (which is that I think small things that are unable to be done fast is).

What are the required pieces of multi-dimensional architecture and code that should be implemented to create customInputView for many codes (representative series, controller, .xibs, Thoughts etc.)?

Set up a nib file with proper inputview layout and items in my case I have the input button button Suppressed . Each button is set for a button on the file owner.

Set up a storyboard (or if you prefer) for a visual controller.

Then using the following code, you should get what you are getting:

  View category Controller: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate {var myInputView: UIView! Var activeTextField: UITextField? Obairide Funk Viewedload () {Load from Tender Input Objects = NSBundle.mainBundle (). LoadNibNamed ("InputView", owner: self, option: zero) {myInputView = Objects [0] as UIView} // Set all the text fields with us Rep and use our input view in own view.view.subviews Do {see textField = in this form? UITextField {textField.inputView = myInputView textField.delegate = self}}} func textFieldDidBeginEditing (textField: UITextField) {activeTextField = textField} func textFieldDidEndEditing (textField: UITextField) {activeTextField = zero} @IBAction func inputViewButtonPressed (button: UIButton) Update text / text field with active textfield button with pressed button .text = button. Titelable Activate text // text fieldTextfield? Alternatively, if you want to become more keyboard, then you can use this function as your own action (this is new from swift 1.2 to new sentences. Break it, if you need 1.1 compatibility:  
  @outing funk dotbutton text (button: UIButton) {if TextField = ActiveTextField, title = button.txtLabel? .text, range = textField.selectedTextRangExtend the text field with text from the text that is pressed by the button. Refresh range (category, text: title)}}  

This uses the UITextInput protocol to remove the handling of the text fields as appropriate, Is more complex, but still not very bad:

  @IBAction func deleteText (button: UIButton) {if textField = activeTextField, category = textField.selectedTextRange {range.empty {// If selection is empty, then remove the character behind the cursor. Start = textField.positionFromPosition (range.start, inDirectation: lift, offset: 1) deleteRange = textField.textRangeFromPosition (start, toPosition: range.end) TextField.replaceRange (deleteRange, withText: "")} else {// If the selection is not empty, then delete the characters in the selection text. RilezSirez (text, with text: "")}}}  


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