c# 4.0 - String Conversation to DateTime -
I am facing a problem while converting strings into datetime. It does not recognize me as "string valid date time"
Here is my input string
10/28/2014 3 : 13:12 am "
code snippet
datetime DT = date time. Purse AXact (" 10/28/2014 3:13:12 am "," DD-MMM-YY HH:
I have gone through some stack overflow posts but still have the same problem.
Use this format string: "MM / dd / yyyy H: mm: ss tt"
datetime DT = date time. Purse AXact ("10/28/2014 3:13:12 AM", "MM / DD / YY H: Mm: ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
If you want to convert the resultant DateTime
with a string in this format: dd -mm-yyyy hh: mm : < / P>
String result = DT. ToString ("dd-MMM-yyyy HH: mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Culture Info.InvariantCulture emphasizes the name of the English month instead of the local name.
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