cordova - Facebook app settings on PhoneGap application -

I have a phonegap application that uses the main to connect. I am using PhoneGap Build to get APK / IPA without generating Android / iOS projects.

For developers, inside Facebook, however, I need to complete some settings for my application, more than the simple PhoneGap build I needed to see some tutorials in making the hash key for the Android app, But, what should I do in the "Class Name" field (which is what Facebook will launch) because I have no class in my Javascript-PhoneGrap code?

I have provided the screenshot and configuration of the config.xml path where you will find the package id.

If you are using Cordova from the command line, then the default activity class for the Cordova Android application is CordovaAPEP.

So in this situation your configuration should be such that in the Facebook developer.

  Package name: com.phonegap.helloworld Default activity class name: com.phonegap.helloworld.CordovaApp  

You can update the package name You need entry in config.xml

Enter image details here

If you are creating your app using the Adobe Phonegap Build service, in that case the name of the default activity is generated by the camelage notation of your app name Or. Then default activity test becomes default activity list

then your configuration should look like this in the Facebook developer.

  Package Name: com.phonegap.randomPackage Default Activity Category Name: com.phonegap.randomPackage.DefaultActivityTest  

You can decompress your APK from the site below:


Select the stable version (Flash version was not working) and after uploading, you can see the Deckmind Android Manifest.xm file.

This is my application after adopting APK.

Enter image details here

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