jquery - Issue with window.height and width in localhost and server -
I have used the following function to see the height and width of my webstream.
function showViewPortSize {display} {var height = jQuery (window) .height (); Var width = jQuery (window). With (); JQuery ('body'). Prepaid ('& lt; div id = "viewportsize" style = "z-index: 99 99; position: fixed; top: 40px; left: 5px; color: # 000; background: #fff; padding: 10px" Gt; height: '+ height +'
width: '+ width +' ;); JQuery (window) Resize (function () {height = jQuery (window) .Hight (); width = jQuery (window) .width (); jQuery ('# viewportsize') .HTML ('height:' + height + '& lt; br & Gt; width: '+ width];}); }} ShowViewPortSize (true);
But the value in the local host and server is different. Why this difference?
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