c# - Azure WebJob - No functions found. Try making job classes public and methods public static -

I'm using an Exclusive WebJob, but now I get the following error message:

No work found Try to make the job classes public and stable.

My code is very simple:

  Fixed zero main () {var host = new JobHost (); Host.RunAndBlock (); } Public static async Task BlobTrigger ([BlobTrigger ("test / {name}") Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlockBlob Input, TextWriter log) {// code}  

Also, I create a zip file from my debug folder and upload it, and configure the job to run continuously.

So sorry, the error is so simple, I added public access to class and it's okay ( I am using the last version of web jobs), but I have some work with Web Jobs Prerelease and the public.

Thanks for all, regards.


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