maven - build.gradle - error deploying artifact -
I'm having problems with publication in the local Nexus Maven repository.
I agree, there is considerable experience in using T.
I would say that I have tried to understand the credibility and the examples which have been given through the Gradual website (with some stack overflow questions).
I get the following error when I try to publish:
The execution of the operation has failed: publishMavenPublicationToMavenRepository '. & Gt; Publishing 'Maven' Repository 'Maven' & gt; Error in publishing artifact in 'com.myproject: myproject-sdk: jar' error: error in deploying artifact: resource not found: file: / Content / repositories / releases / com / myproject / MyProject-sdk / 3.0.0 / myproject-sdk-3.0.0.jar does not exist
The entire build.grill file looks like this Is:
Apply prefix code: Apply 'java' plugin: Apply 'maven-publish' plugin: 'build-version' buildscript {repositories {maven {url "http: // git 8081 / nexus / content / groups / Public "} Maven {url ''} mavenCentral ()} dependency {classpath ' gradle-build-version-plugin: 1. +' }} Repository {maven {url ""} Dependency {testCompile Group: 'Junit', Name: 'Junit', Version: '4.11' 'Collect GSN: 2.2.4' Complementable Commons-Codec: Common-to-Dec: 1.9 '} Source from Source Source {SourceSets.main.alljava} {Publications {Publishing (Mewen Publishing) ) {ArtifactId = 'myproject-sdk' groupId = 'com.myproject' version '3.0.0' Published artifact sourceJar {classifier "sources"}} repositories {maven { // username = "MY_USERNAME" password "MY_PASSWORD"} if (version.endsWith ('- SNAPSHOT')) {url "http: // 8081 / Nexus / content / repository / Snapshots "} and {url" "}}}}I'm using Android Studio And this project is a Java project.
I do not understand the message because it says "Do not get the resource to deploy" and it points to a URL on the Nexus
I hope "the resource The resource was not found to be deployed: File: C: / directory_tat_diyon't_exist / viagye.jar "
Additional information - 'All jobs' are:
build build Build Assets Defined Check Classes Clean Compile Java InsertTest Or Jnaretpomfailformvenpbliksn jar Jvadok process resource Prosesteshrsis Publish Krenprkashktommenlokl Prkashnmhoinprkashntommenripojitri Prkashittaomenvenokl Srotjar Test Classes
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