three.js - Sphere object does not rotate -
I have three JS is a scene where there is an air geometry between the scene. A camera has been added to the plane geometry. I also add a lightmap using this example and add it to my plane geometry.
planeGeometry.add (camera); PlaneGeometry.add (sphereGeometryLightMap);
The problem is that when I try to rotate the regional geometry on any axis, nothing happens. I tried to set .rotation
and matrix 4
. Why is it that I can not add to another object when I rotate this area object? How can I work around this?
In addition, I agree that sphereGemometryLightMap
type three. Aries, in which case you have to add it to the scene. Not for aircraft gymetry
If you want to relate hemispheric geometry
to planeGeometry
you can:
var object = New 3 Object3D (); Object.add (aircraft gymetry); Object.add (spherical geometry); Before you add geometries
to objects
, you place them in the relative position. After this, instead of modifying planeGeometry
, you can modify object
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