wpf - XAML: Make TreeViewItem using VS theme colors -

I'm creating a Visual Studio Extension with a tool window. There I use a TreeView. I have the current Visual Studio Theme I would like to see this tree to use Thanks for posting I had set the text set and Color Highlight enabled.

  • The color is updated only on the start of Visual Studio (again), but when I change the theme
  • How do I change the focus to highlight the colors?
  • How do I change the expandable icon colors in the current theme colors?
  • Any chance to complete the highlight, as it is in the solution Explorer window?

This is my current XML code:

  & lt; UserControl x: class = "David Speak .crpdotOutline.DocOutline view" xmlns = "http: // Schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns: x = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ Winfx / 2006 / xaml "xmlns: mc =" http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup -compatible / 2006 "xmlns: d =" http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008 "xmlns: Shell = "clr- namespace: Microsoft Visual Studio Shell; assembly = Microsoft Visual Studio. Shell 12.0" background = "{Dynamic Resource VsBrush.Window}" Foreground = "{DynamicResource VsBrush.WindowText}" mc: Ignorable = " D "d: DesignHeight =" 300 "D: DesignWidth =" 300 "name =" MyToolWindow " & Gt; & Lt; UserControl.Resources & gt; & Lt; Style x: key = "CETreeViewItem" TargetType = "{x: type tree viiIT}" & gt; & Lt; Style.Resources & gt; & Lt; Solid Colorebrush X: Key = "{x: Static System Clalers.Controltextbrush}" Color = "{Dynamic Resource {x: Static Shell: VS Collars. Toll Windowtextki}}" /> & Lt; SolidColorBrush x: key = "{x: Static System Colors. Highlight Brush}" Color = "{Dynamic Resource {x: Static Shell: VsColors.HighlightKey}}" /> & Lt; SolidColorBrush x: Key = "{x: Static System Calculators. Highlight Textbrushing}" Color = "{Dynamic Resource {x: Static Shell: VsColors.HighlightTextKey}}" /> & Lt; /Style.Resources> & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; /UserControl.Resources> & Lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; StackPanel Orientation = "Vertical" & gt; & Lt; Treeview = "OutlineTreview" background = "{dynamic racers vSbib.window}" bordartix = "0" item container style = "{static resource citreview}" & gt; & Lt; / TreeView & gt; & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / Grid & gt;  


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