Batch script to copy all files but those in a list -
I want to write a script to copy all files, but contained in a list I am new to it But I found the opposite of what I want ...
@echo off set src_folder = c: \ source \ set dst_folder = c: \ for destination / f "token = *" %% i In the (list.txt) XPi / S / E / U "% src_folder% \ %% i" "% dst_folder%"
I am backing up the folder with the file It is necessary to leave something, because they are for me Are unimportant.
I thought that something like this would work but I should have an error ...
@echo off set src_folder = c: \ source \ set dst_folder = c: \ C: \ c: \ list.txt in the exit / f "tokens = *" %% i for the destination \ xcopy / S / E / U "% src_folder% \ %% i"% dst_folder% "/ /
please try
xcopy .... / exclude: List.txt
xcopy /?
from the prompt for the document
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