c++ - Qt memory leak using QPixmap -
I'm getting a strange memory leak somewhere in this code. The method is a slot connected to the method in another thread. It does 2 things: 1 It updates a text box as it moves, which is on the second thread 2 It updates the image shown on the GUI in the picture corresponding to that recycling.
It works great for 10-30 iterations, then it is moving upwards. Looking at its memory usage in the task manager, I can see that it is already stable, then using every instance RAM increases up to about 10%. What can I do to remove the leak?
Infection :: Infection (CDUDATE * Parent): Q Menine (Parent), UI (New UI :: Infection) {Yuri-> Setup UI (this); This- & gt; File = files; ImageObject = new QImage (); View = New QGraphicsScene (this); } Transition: ~ infection () {delete UI; Delete ImageObject; Remove view; }
slot in question:
zero transition: onCounterChanged (QString counter) {ui-> ImageCounter-> Set text (counter); Folder = ui - & gt; Folder name- & gt; ToPlainText (); Int m = counter.toInt (); QString file name = files [m]; ImageObject-> Load (file name); Image = QPixmap :: fromImage (* imageObject); View- & gt; clear (); // It decides that the leaking scene-> Junk Pixmap (Image); UI- & gt; PicDisplay-> SetScene (view); UI- & gt; PicDisplay-> FitInView (image.rect (), QT :: IgnoreAspectRatio); }
I think you do not only update your image, but new Scene with pixmap items can be created:
Zero transition: onCounterChanged (QString counter) {[...] imageObject- & gt; Load (file name); Image = QPixmap :: fromImage (* imageObject); Scene-> AddPixmap (image); // & lt; ----- Adds new pixmap items to this view [..]}
So, after 10-30 iterations you have 10 to 30 pixels items that are visible on your view Are there. I suppose you have to update the QGraphicsPixmapItem :: setPixmap ()
function using the existing QGraphicsPixmapItem
instead of creating a new one on each walk.
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