java - How to add Material Design on my app -

I have a big problem with Eclipse (I have the latest API and SDK for Android 5.0) The design was trying to change with. The problem is that the eclipse code seems unable to recognize. I will try to be very detailed: this is my principal code:

main activity. Java

  enhances the implementation of the main activity activity of the public class OnClickListener {Private Final Static String RADIO_STATION_URL = ""; Personal progress intact sports club; Play the private button button; Private button buttonclothplay; Private mediaplayer player; /** Called when the activity is first created. * / @ Override Crate on Public Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. Contents (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); InitializeUIElements (); InitializeMediaPlayer (); } Private Zero initializeUIElements () {playSeekBar = (ProgressBar) findViewById (; PlaySeekBar.setMax (100); PlaySeekBar.setVisibility (View.INVISIBLE); Find button = (button) VibibIID (R.B. buttonplay); ButtonPlay.setOnClickListener (this); ButtonPlatform = (button) Find VibibIID (R.B.tonplayplay); ButtonStopPlay.setEnabled (incorrect); ButtonStopPlay.setOnClickListener (this); } Click Public Zero (see V) {if (v == buttonPlay) {startPlaying (); } And if (V == button is open) {stopPlaying (); }} Start Private Zero () buttonPlay.setEnabled (wrong); PlaySeekBar.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE); Player.prepareAsync (); Player.setOnPreparedListener (New OnPreparedListener () {public void onPrepared (MediaPlayer mp) {player.start ();}}); } Private Wide StopPolling (if player.eeplaying ()) {player.stop (); player.release (); initializeMediaPlayer ();} ButtonPlay.setEnabled (true); buttonStopPlay.setEnabled (wrong); playSeekBar.setVisibility (View.INVISIBLE);} Private Zero Initial Media Player (try {player = new media player}; {Player.setDataSource (RADIO_STATION_URL);} Catch (invalid record exception E) {e.printStackTrace ();} Hold ( IllegalStateException e) {e.printStackTrace ();} Hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace ();} Player.setOnBufferingUpdateListener (New OnBufferingUpdateListener) {Buffering Update on Public Zero (Media Player) RAV, ET, Percent) {playSeekBar.setSecondary progress (percent); Log.i ("buffering", "" + percent);}})}} @override pause at protected void {} {super.}}  

res / values.exam
   gt; & lt;! - Base application theme, depending on API level this topic Has been replaced by App / Base-vXX / styles.xml from AppBaseTheme on new devices. - & gt; & Lt; Style name = "appbashtheme" original = "@ Android: Style / Theme. Black" & gt; & Lt ;! - Theme customization available in new API levels can be found in Res / values-vXX / styles.xml, whereas backward-compatible optimization can go here. - & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt ;! - Application theme - & gt; & Lt; Style name = "Aaptim" parent = "appbashtheme" & gt; & Lt ;! - All customizations that are not specific to a particular API-level can go here. - & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Resources & gt;  

I was trying to follow this guide -> But after the first point I am getting blocked, the extension of activity in actionbusinessivity (done) ... Can I have some help? I only want to apply content design (black) to my app .. Can someone help me? I'm a bit new in this part of Android, so be very detailed.

You support the content design on the device's lover compared to SDK 5.0 in the library Add Dependency to Your Project

Here are instructions on how to get into the appcompat library:

After this you have given your theme as Need to define:

  & lt; Style name = "appbashtheme" parent = "theme.excompat" & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; To expand your  

and ActionBarActivity :


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