Azure - Scheduled Long Running Task - Scale Down Worker Role To Zero -

OK expert specialist,

  • I have a task that's only run Needed once every week - this is a long lasting task that can take 2-3 days to run.

  • I have to play a worker role on a queue based scale. The day we want to start the work - we populate the queue (using web jobs).

  • During the remaining time, when the queue is empty, I want to shut down the worker's roles - but I can not reduce the examples.

  • Basically, we wanted to do it with a web job, but the website closes from time to time - suddenly shutting down my webboy - should it be ? Even when Keep-Alive is turned on? Also, you can not stop a trigger Web Job from running - so if we want to stop the process - we have to close the web site - not ideal.

How do I measure my examples to zero?

* An alternative solution is also welcome.

Here are trying to reduce the cost - why paying for a worker role is not doing anything?

It is not possible to scale it down. At this time the worker role of 0 cases. Even if you stop the worker's role, then you are still charging for STOPPED examples.

However, the behavior you are looking for is possible with virtual machines. If you turn off the virtual machine (STOP & DEALLOCATE), then you are not paying the fees for that machine.

Now, the only challenge is to stop / start VM based on the queue number. I do not remember that the native scaling of the Azure portal for VISA has supported scaling examples of 0. However, if you use, you should be able to get it without any problems. Disclaimer: I'm affiliated with Ezur Watch.



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