ember.js - Unable to start ember-cli project because of git error -
When I try to execute ember new myproject
I get the following:
[... harvesting ...] Sellers / gitkeep package installed for tooling through NPM Failed to execute "Git ls-remote -tags -heads git: //github.com/stefanpenner/ember-load-initializers.git", code exit exit of # 128 #: "git ls-remote -" executed Failed to tag tags --heads git: //github.com/stefanpenner/ember-load-initializers.git "createError (# / usr / local / lib / node_modules / ember-cli / node_modules / bower / lib / util / createError .js: 4: 15) [... kick ... ...]
So I tried to execute an unsuccessful order:
$ Git Ls-remote - tags --heads git: //github.com/stefanpenner/ember-load-initializers.git Fatal: Unable to connect to github.com: github.com [0:]: errno = Operation
git @ github. Com:
$ Git ls-remote - tags --heads git@github.com: stefanpenner / ember-load-initializers.git 3a6dc87e29ef C9de4bc42b6f9afedabb000bcc89 refs / heads / master be13fa4a45abff2c9fcfc82497668ed2a925a856 refs / tags / 0.0.1 3a6dc87e29efc9de4bc42b6f9afedabb000bcc89 refs / tags / v0 .0.2 $
Can anyone help me diagnose this problem? I am happy with the git
solution or
ember` workaround.
I have tried:
$ ember new myproject - skip-git
I have also tried with the same result
$ ember new myproject - skip-bower
who successfully competed , But then $ ember
, complain about the lack of broom components.
If I try again:
$ bower installP> then I'm going to do the same
git: //
If there is a problem then I think that it is actually a Boer / GIT problem still appreciate the suggestions.
This is to be released with a firewall Confirm your firewall You can see the git: // < / Code> will go to the domain. When I run the command, I
$ git ls-remote -tags --heads git: //github.com/stefanpenner/ember-load-initializers.git 3a6dc87e29efc9de4bc42b6f9abfbbc89 refs / heads / guru be13fa4a45abff2c9fcfc82497668ed2a925a856 Refs / tags / 0.0.1 3a6dc87e29efc9de4bc42b6f9afedabb000bcc89 refs / tags / v0.0.2
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