gradle - How to enable multidexing with the new Android Multidex support library -

I want to use the new Multidix Help Library to break the law limit for one of my apps

< P> With Android Lollipop Google introduced a Multidud X Support Library which makes it easy for Multidire X.

What steps are needed to use this library and build your app with multidાઇx support?

From December 3, 2014, the tool was created 1.0.0-rc1 I went. Now, you have to support your build.gradle :

  Android {compileSdkVersion 22 buildToolsVersion "23.0.0" default config {minSdkVersion 14/14 Multidex targetSdkVersion 22 Do not // multidex support enabled MultiDexEnabled true}} dependency {compile ''}  

If you are running unit tests, you can It would like to include it in your application class:

  public class increases the application of YouApication {@Override protected void attachBaseContext (reference base) {super.attachBaseContext (base) ; MultiDex.install (this); For more information, this 


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