selenium - Unable to establish a connection with the SafariDriver extension -

Testing on Chrome and Firefox, I'm running an E2A test in an AngularJS web app using the launcher. On adding a safari to my array, the following appears:

"Unable to establish a connection with the Safari driver extension"

I found a way to resolve it locally but As we are using CodeShip to automate our build, I need a method of manually adding it to Selenium and instead of being able to safari, it needs a way to solve it.

I am using Selenium 2.43.1


  exports.config = {baseurl: 'Http: // localhost: 9001', multiCapabilities: [{'browserName': 'chrome'} {'browser name': 'firefox'}, {'browser name': 'safari'}], specs: ['e2e / App.js']};  


  {"name": "livingthevalues", "version": "0.0.0" , "Dependency": {"express": "^ 4.9.7", "zippo": "^ 0.2.0", "loan": "^ 1.3.8", "Grunt": "^ 0.4.5", "Guraghurana- CLI": "^ 0.1.13", "Guraghurana- autoprefixer": "^ 0.7.3", "purr-concurrent": "^ 0.5.0", "purr-contributing clean": "^ 0.5" 0.7.1 "," Grant-Contrib-Cockat ":" ^ 0.4.0 "," Grant-Contrib-Connect ":" ^ 0.7.1 "," Content-Contrib-Copy ":" ^ 0.5.0 " "Grant-Contrib-CSSMM": "^ 0.9.0", "Grant-Contrib-htmlmin": "^ 0.3.0", "Grant-Contrib-Imageman ":" ^ 0.8.1 "," Grant-Contrib-Jashant ":" ^ 0.10.0 "," Grant-Contrib-Uglif ":" ^ 0.4.0 "," Grant-Contrib-Watch ":" 0.6 1 "," Grunt-FileRave ":" ^ 0.2.1 "," Grunt-Google-CDN ":" ^ 0.4.0 "," Grunt-Nayar ":" ^ 0.7.0 "," Grunt-NG-Entet " : "^ 0.3.0", "Grunt-SVGMN": "^ 0.4.0", "Grunt-Ussein": "^ 2.1.1", "Grunt-Wiredpe": "^ 1.7.0", "Jshint- Stylish ":" ^ 0 "" .0.0 "," load-grunts-action ":" ^ 0.4.0 "," time-grunts ":" ^ 0.3.1 "}," development ": {" chai ": "^ 1.9.2", "Chai-wa-wired": "^ 4.1.1", "Cucumber": "^ 0.4.4", "Grunt-Karma": "^ 0.9.0", "Gr Anti-protractor-runner ":" 1.1. 4 "," Karma ":" ^ 0.12.17 "," Karma-chrome-launcher ":" ^ 0.1.4 "," Karma-Jasmin ":" ^ 0.1.5 "," Karma-Juni-Reporter ": "^ 0.2.2", "Karma-Mocha": "^ 0.1.6", "Karma-phantomjs-launcher": "^ 0.1.4", "Chanda": "^ 1.3.1", "Chanda-Kakri "": 0.1.2 "," sinon ":" ^ 1.11.0 "}," engine ": {" node ":" & gt; = 0.10.0 "}," script ": {" test ":" grunting test "," pree2e ":" ./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update "," E2E ":" grunting test: E2E " }}  

commands run by ci:

  export environment 0 min 2 seconds git clone --branch 'commentBox' - -depth 50 Myteam / myrepo.git ~ / src / 0 minutes 1 second CD clone 0 minutes 1 seconds Jiaiti checkout -qf 2ec65e3b32971d0f7f9de948c40f019f0629adea 0 minutes 1 seconds dependence cash 0 minutes 10 seconds Preparing the Virtual Machine Preparing 0 min 5 sec E rvm use 2.0.0-p195 0 minutes 5 seconds bundled up 0 minutes 2 seconds Nvm 00:10:25 0 minutes 2 seconds Nvm established use 00:10:25 0 min 1 sec NPM install 0 min 7 sec Bower installed 0 minutes 7 seconds NPM Test 0 min 10 seconds NPM run E2A  

Thanks - to do this sounds like a simple thing, but it can not happen, understand why this is not working.

On Mac, selenium extensions come Wanted to establish now eroded El Capitan and amp; Sierra Apple uninstall it offers itself last Sfareedrivr extension (if you have enabled it to be established) and new Sfareedrivr the link excert of 2:

  • Make sure you develop menus available is. This can be enabled by opening Safari preferences (Safari> Preferences in the menu bar), going to the Advanced tab, and ensuring that check box is checked in the menu on the check developer menu.
  • Enable remote automation in the Develop menu to toggle it by developing> Allow remote automation in the menu bar.
  • is authorized to secure authorization to launch Vebdraivr service which hosts the local Web server to allow it, / usr / bin / safaridriver to run as a manual and certification Prompt Complete. Like / Usr / bin / safaridriver -p 8000

In addition, you should be running to use the new Safari driver (Support started at 3.0.0-Beta 1) < / P>

Note: If you still have trouble, then check the addendum below the second link. I was running in another alerts, the new SafariDriver supports only one session so MaxSessions = # is no longer supported. In addition, if you use, you can update the Selenium version in this way.

  Selenium-standalone installation --version = 3.0.1 --baseURL = https: // Com  

and then - with boots and nodes --version = 3.0.1 flag.


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