android - setListAdapter multiple items? -

Is it possible that SimpleCursorAdapter recover many items and display them? This is from Android Notepad Tutorial (slightly edited) and when I call it ASCOresDbAdapter.KEY_COL2_NAME, ASKORADAPEATOR KEY_COL1_DATE then it only displays in TextView

Is there a reason for it or am I forgetting something?

  Private Zero fillData () {// Get all notes from database and create item list cursor c = scoresDbAdapter.fetchAllNotes (); StartManagingCursor (c); String [] from = new string [] {ASCOresDbAdapter.KEY_COL2_NAME, AScoresDbAdapter.KEY_COL1_DATE}; Int for [] = new int [] {}; // Now create an array adapter and set it to display using our line SimpleCursorAdapter Notes = New SimpleCursorAdapter (this, R.layout.shots_row, c, from, to 0); SetListAdapter (Notes); }  

OK, I think it has misled me earlier that array And it's probably putting a to with a int , so I added another TextView above and above:

New code from
  string [] {ASCOresDbAdapter.KEY_COL1_DATE, ASCOresDbAdapter.KEY_COL2_NAME}; Int for [] = new int [] {,};  

And now it's just [Date] or instead of [Name] instead of [Date] [Name] Displays

Not sure if this is correct, but if better, then I would be happy to find out.


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