Create issue of type Epic with Jira C# SDK -
I'm using CIRCA C # SDK 2.4.0
Let me first create a new epic I am making my problems, so I can allocate epic links to them.
Cumin Zera Connection = New Cumin (URL, User, Password); Issue Issue = Cereal Connection Crete iSue (projectkey); Issue Type = "epic"; Issue Summary = "My first epic"; Issue.SaveChanges ();
This gives me the following error, telling me that "epic name" is necessary.
com.atlassian.jira.rpc.exception.RemoteValidationException: {Customfield_10008 = Epic name is required.}: []
It is understandable This is the required field in the cumin seed. I then added the following line
issue ["customfield_10008"] = "epictest"; // epic name field
and I get the following error
Custom field with name 'customfield_10008' could not be found on Jira server. While editing this issue make sure this field is available. For more information see JRA-6857
"Epic Name" property is not visible in the problem site.
I found a solution, was easy after all
issue. CustomFields.Add ("Epic name", "test");
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