unity3d - Strange unity quirk with playerprefs? -
So whatever I value is either a mess or a voice of unity that I do not understand. I have the following script:
Highscore = Player Prefs.GetInt ("Player Score"); Debug. Log ("high" + highest score); GUI.Box (Rectangle (Screen With / 2 - 150), (screen .ighइट / 2 - 25), 300,55), "Welcome Target Limit!" + "\ N High Score:" + PlayerPix GetInt ("Player Score") + "\ nSelect the difficulty:");
However, it displays:
Welcome to the target category! High Score: 10 Select Difficulty
This would be OK, except for the debug log, the highest score is a different number (720p). Does anyone know why this is?
(This is not a big issue, because it was resolved by changing the playerprepers to the output with the highscore, but I would still like to know what is happening
Actually, you are using different keys ( s
in score
focus Give Player: Player Player ("Player Score"); // Previously This PlayerPrice.GetInt ("Player Score") // Hereafter
Good G are case sensitive, they are referring to two different values.
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