How can I disable animation in a reactjs component first time -
I have a component with the list of items. I want to add or remove any item in the list for the animation .
var React CS String group group
= React.addance. CSSTransitionGroup; Var hello = rect.ct class ({getInitialState: function} {return} {}: {}:}; addColor: function () {this.setState ({items: this.state.items.concat ('new color' }}}}; ComponentDidMount: function () {var items = ['blue', 'red', 'green']; this.setState ({items: items})}, render: function () {var contentList = IT (function (i, k) {return (
);}); return ( gt; hello & lt; Button onClick = {this.addColor} & gt; Add & lt; / button & gt; Rect CS Station Group TransitionName = "Example" & gt; {Content List} & lt; / ReactCSSTransitionGroup & gt; & lt; / div & gt; ;)}}); Reaction (& lt; hello name = "world" />, document.body); So, I can change the animation only when the list changes and Not the first setat by the didMount method?
Instead, componentDidMount
will work entirely as shown in this Bela:
However, if your actual code is to get data in Dedamount, then you can use the ssorallen comment Should not
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