php - Offset not contained in string & Allowed memory size exhausted -

I am getting an error when I try to pass the following code using the function.php of WordPress I am I'm getting the error

mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning: mb_stros (): Offset is not included in the string in / var / www / clients / client62 / web322 / web / wp-content / themes / ateo / Functions.fpp line 1063

For codes now:


I remove the mistake I want to, but there is no luck looking for Google.

I also get the following error, but I'm not sure they are related to some of the following ways:

mod_fcgid : Stderr: PHP Fatal Error: acceptable memory size (tried to allocate 32 bytes) of Meta.php line 808, referrals at / var / www / clients / client62 / web322 / web / wp-include / in / 134217728 bytes :

meta.php At the same time, I came to know that memorylimit is 128mb from our host provider, and they say that it is too much, although I have seen other places that it can be as high as 512 MB < / P>


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