android - ListView does not update anymore after deletion of the first ListView child -

I'm having trouble developing my ListView i. If I remove the child before my ListView all other children are now updating Do not do it.

If I remove the last child, then the child stays in the middle updating. But as soon as I remove the child before ListView, every child stops updating.

ListView is still clickable.

List view creation:

  listView.setAdapter (mAdapter = new ArrayAdapter  (getActivity (), R. Layout.progressbar_list,, a) {@ override public view getView (int position, seeviewview, ViewGroup maternal) {see v = super.getView (status, convertview, parent); upadteRow (getItem (status) V, position, 500); Return v;}}};  

Add element:

  Public static zero addItems ( See V, reference CTX) {mAdapter.add (new progression)); MAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged (); Ctx.stopService (intent); Intent = new intent (CTX, downloading service). Intent.putExtra ("files", mAdapter.getCount ()); Ctx.startService (intent); }  

Remove items:

  act.runOnUiThread {New Runnabel} {@Override Public Zero Run ({{ Remove (clicked_position); A.remove (a.get (clicked_position)); //mAdapter.remove(a.get(clicked_position)); MAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged (); Clicked_position = 500; Log.e ("deleted", "" +.size () + "listview" + listView.getCount () + "mlistview" + mListView.getCount ());}});  

Perhaps you guys can give me some hints that the reason for this problem is.


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