email - add footer/signature to mail in Java -
I have to forward the e-mail to one of my Java applications. Therefore, I get e-mail (plain text or multilateral) with any content (maybe attachments). I edit my subject, to- and to-headers and send them via SMTP.
I have already applied it, but now I have to attach a footnote / signature to the contents of each email.
Can I even get it with Mime4j? would be great! how? If not, is there any other way?
EDIT: Details after Wolfgang Fahl's comment:
Maybe I am using the library incorrectly, but I am parsing the message as follows: < / P>
messbilder message creator = new DefaultMessageBuilder (); InputStream = In ... Message Me = Message Maker. The ultimate message (in);
Now I have an example of a message and I can set it up topic, sender, etc. But this does not provide a method setText ()
or something like that, getBody ()
but then I do not know how to manipulate.
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