rattle, rapidminer in R vs SPSS -
I am recently launching R
programming and I find it very interesting.
I got R for the package Rattle which can control the statistical model without coding. Apart from this, the rapidminar r Can be integrated with - I'm not a coder advancing. Is it possible to use RAT tools like rattle and fast moving equipment to do all the tasks?
I have recently started using R
and R Has found a good gateway R rattle
for coding in. Whatever you want to do, you can load data, visualize, clean, model, etc. The best part is the Ratal, which saves you all the underlying R code that you are using in the GUI's logs tab, in this way you can learn the basic commands that you can use for your own R
script You may need to learn and save as a starting point for building.
To install: install.packages ("rattle", repos = "http://rattle.togaware.com", type = "source")
Edit: To run a GUI:
Library ("Rattle")
Rattle ()
There is a look to other options.
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