c++ - an easier copy-assignment operator implement? -
In C ++ primer 5th, 13.2.1 classes, which act like values, the author creates a class That works like value, it means that each object has its own copy of the resource, which classes manage. The square is down, this is a very simple class, just an indicator for a string, and an integer member member is the only default constructor and copy-control member.
The implementation of the operator given below = given by the book
ispaffe and haspatr :: operator = (Constant Hespet & amp; rhs) {auto Newp = new std :: string (* rhs.ps); Delete ps; Ps = newp; I = * rhs.i; Return * This; }
This is good, but I think we can use the following implementation that can avoid the removal of points and allocate new memory.
HasPtr and HasPtr :: operator = (Constant Hespet & amp; RA) {* ps = * rhs.ps; I = rhs.i; Return * This; }
I test my code, even self-assignment. However, is there any problem with this code?
No, there is no problem with your code.
So you want to move forward and change ps to std :: string instead of std :: string *. After that, you can eliminate the need for new and remove from the HasPtr class.
In the example, from the book, in the example.
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