javascript - A Vimeo <iframe> embed hijacks scrolling/swiping events -

We're using, it provides experience like a slideshow. We are embedting a Vimeo iframe in one of the slides, which should contain the entire slide.

Everything works as a charm in Chrome, but it is impossible to scroll / swipe in Firefox and IOS Vimeo iframe full page will not just react to it.

I tried to cover the video with a transparent device. Again, it works in Chrome, but the browser on iOS will not allow you to start the program program, so covering the video with a div is unable to start the video: Vimeo Player "Unwanted error : The viewer must start playback first "

Is there a solution to this problem?

There is a demo of the problem here: the video is on the second slide, scrolling / swiping it will not change the slides in Firefox and IOS.

You can try this CSS solution:

  element {Touch-Action: Pan-Y! Important; }  

Where the element will put you VEEMO embed code / id I did not test it, but I had another issue where I had and where the Skype action was stolen action action was. Hopefully this will also help in your case.


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