spring - How to remove an Activity from a WorkFlow in BroadleafCommerce? -
I am using BroadleafCommerce to remove ValidateAddRequestActivity from AddItemWorkFlow I have a requirement. I have given my activity equal to the same order, such as Value Added Protection Act. However, I am getting it in activities. How can I remove Value AddedAdueActiveActivity Activity and keep my own place.
Here is my code snippet. How do I override this? Thanks in advance. & Lt; Bean P: order = "1000" id = "xxSkuValidate" class = "com.xxxxx.workflow.ValidateSkuAddToCart" /> & Lt; Bean id = "blAddItemWorkflow" class = "org.broadleafcommerce.workflow.SequenceProcessor" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Activities" & gt; & Lt; List & gt; & Lt; Ref bean = "xxSkuValidate" /> & Lt; / List & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt;
You have many possibilities, but if you actually have You just have a bean with the same ID Example: But if you want to remove it, then I can give you only 'work around' from my perspective. blValidateAddRequestActivity class
& lt; Bean P: order = "1000" id = "blValidateAddRequestActivity" class = "com.xxxxx.workflow.ValidateSkuAddToCart" />
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