swing - Java printer api -
I should stand alone for a medical store with Java swing. A print of a chit with a small size (21 9 mm to 140 mm) with one click without the print dialogue is mandatory, they are required to monthly report a full A4 pages report from a different printer.
Is it possible to change printer and paper properties in Java applications with Java SE without bringing printer dialogs?
An example from the javadoc of the interface
DocFlavor taste = DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.POSTSCRIPT; PrintRequestAttributeSet aset = New HashPrintRequestAttributeSet (); Aset.add (MediaSizeName.ISO_A4); PrintService [] pservices = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices (tastes, aset); If (pservices.length & gt; 0) {DocPrintJob pj = pservices [0] .createPrintJob (); {FileInputStream fis = Try New FileInputStream ("test.ps"); Doctor doctor = new simpler (FIS, taste, blank); Pj.print (doctor, aset); } Catch (FileNotFoundException fe) {} Catch (Print Exception E) {}}
You can get all the available PrintServices and print it with the desired format.
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