c# - Binding a decimal value with InvariantCulture -
I have a textbox
which is linked to the decimal property.
In our requirment the behavior is invention welfare
When a user type is 6.30
, the value should be 6,30
if a user type 6,30
, the value should be 6,30
, currently bindings
Your requirement is not really in the behavior of InvariantCulture
. To allow typing in both types of numbers, either .
public class multicore counters: IValueConverter {public object convert (object value) Type Type, Object Parameter, System Globalization. Culture Information Culture) {var ci = System.Globalization.CultureInfo System.Globalization.Culture Information.Ci.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ",";; Compensate ((decimal) value). String (ci); } Public Object Convertback (Type Object Value, Type Type, Object Parameter, System Globilization. Culture Information Culture) {var ci = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Clone () As a system. Globalization.CultureInfo; Var s = System.Convert.ToString (value); Decimal d; If (Decimal try purse (s, system globalization number number, number ^ system globilization number number, elove trace, ci, out d)) {return d; } Other {ci.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ","; If (Decimal tray purse (s, system globalization number number, number ^ system globalization number number. Elove trace, ci, out d)) returns d; } Binding return nothing; }}
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