php - drupal 7 How can I get cron jobs to run automatically -
I have installed the Alicia Cron module and have setup the cron job. So far I'm running cron jobs mannually. And it takes a lot of time because I have more than just running a cron every 2 hours. I read the handbook on cron configuration, but there was not enough, because I am not a PHP literacy person.
How can I automatically do my Duplicate Run Cron ??? So that I do not have to come back to my site every 2 hours.
You can use crontab. Generally it can be accessed on your server by running crontab -e
in person on your server and then adding an entry to specify to update your site. For example,
0 * * * * wget -O - -q -t 1 http: // {your_drupal_server} /cron.php
Go to {your_drupal_server} with your server's URL every hour.
- Crop on the wiki page -
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