iphone - Bluetooth LE Device scan in background from iOS -

I am working to scan BLE in background mode.

The problem is not working in a background scan, it's a great job in foreground mode.

Below are some code rows.

  dispatch_QUUU centuQU = Dispatch_Q_Arket ("com.XXXXX.BLEACK", DISPATU_QUEUE_SERIAL); // Although you want to create your Dispatch_Guem_T Manager = [[CBCEntral Manager alloc] initWithDelegate: Auto-line: CentralQay option: zero];  

  - (zero) CentralManagerDidAdaptateTat: (CBCEntinalMenager *) Central {if (central .state == CBCNTRMnagerStatePoOnOn) {[StartScan]; } If (! [Self help hackware]) {@throw ([NSError errorWidman: @ "Bluetooth is not supported," code: 999 user information: zero]); }}  

  - start.scan {NSDictionary * options = [Object with NSDictionary dictionary: Case for [NSNumber Number Vithabules: false]: CBCEntermotherSenapationAlove Duplicates]; [Manager scannerfearlersseursis: zero option: option]; }  

Here I am passing a zero as a service.

I get the log in the Tools section in Xcode. But not in the application

  Information>: unknown type of search for scan (error): {kCBAdvDataChannel = 37; KCBAdvDataIsConnectable = 1; KCBAdvDataManufacturerData = & lt; 00003962 6708f4c1 00000000 00d02b00 20d03300 20d03300 20 & gt; KCBAdvDataWSaturated = 0; KCBAdvDataWlanRSSI = 0; }, -51, Puck type: 57  

You can scan for zero Can not do Services in the background - You have to specify the service (s) that you are interested in.

Apps that specify bluetooth-centric background mode are allowed to scan them in the background. She said, by specifying them in the service UUID parameter, one or more services will have to be clearly scanned.


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