python - Pyodbc error: 08004 - Server rejected the connection -

I'm new to Python and SolidDB. I would like to get help about the error that I'm getting though credentials correct (I think), even then I have been rejected by the server here is the stack trace. [/ Root @ DW700 standalone] #Python Python 2.7.8 (default, 28 October 2014, 03:45:51) [GCC 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-3) ] For more information on linux2, type "help", "copyright", "credit" or "license". & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import pyodbc & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Tracebacks (most recent call final): File "& lt; stdin & gt;", line 1, & lt; Module & gt; Cnxn = pyodbc.connect ('DRIVER = SolidDB; server = TCP1964; database = DBA; PWD = password' Pyodbc.Error: ('08004', '[08004] [unixODBC] server connection (14505) (SQLDriverConnect )

Your server parameter does not appear correctly Try something instead of SERVER = hostname, PORT = 1964 or hostname: 1964.


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