visual c++ - CStatic DrawItem method getting called too freequently after creating a child window -
I have an image viewer application window using the Layout Spatterers. I use a custom image control inside a splitter Painting bitmap on dialog
class CPictureCtrl: public CStatic {public:. . Protected: Virtual Zero PreSubclassWindow (); // Control draws the Virtual Zero DryAidium (LPDRIT Mascot LPDRIT Streets); Virtual Bull OnRub Bank (CDC * PDC); Private: // Internal Image Stream Buffer ISSTIM * M_PSTREAM; // Control flag if a photo is loaded BOOL m_bIsPicLoaded; // GDI Plus Token ULONG_PTR m_gdiplusToken; };
Inside the Drytime () method, I take GDI + graphics from LDPITMstrat and paint the image.
Everything works fine, but when I open a hair window for dialogue where I have this control, the image is painted on my popup window.
Is there any way that I can bring a popup window in front?
may be the complete source of control
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