Create BAT file to get directory listing up to 2nd level only -

I have a window directory inside it with 300 folders and 4 level folders within each folder. Do I need to list the folder up to 2 levels in a txt file only? I need the full path of each directory I would like to use it on a bat file or CMD line prompt. Former:

  John completed the tester tester002 test003 tester004  

Can someone help me do this?

  AECO of satelokal set "sourcedir = U : \ Sourcedir "PUSHD" / s for "% sourcedir%" dellimus = "%% a IN ('dir / b / ad 2 ^ & gt; nul') DO ECHO %% ~ FA / F" Dellymes = "% % A IN ('dir / b / ad') DO (PUSHD "%% A" FOR / F "delims =" %% x IN '(dir / b / ad 2 ^ & gt; nul') DO ECHO %% ~ FX popd) Popped GOTO: EOF  

This should work - you will need to change the settings of sourcedir according to your circumstances.


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