java - Encoding of same special characters -

I use JasperReports for export PDFs. I have a problem with special characters (è, à, û) While there is no problem with me (é, €) when I generate my file with Jaspersoft Studio There is no problem (all special features are ok). The problem occurs when I export the PDF from my application (and only those characters do not work perfectly (è, à, û) and not (é, €)

here is my code :

  try {jasperprint = JasperFillManager.fillReport (jasperReport, parametres, connection);} hold (JRException e) {throw e;} finally {connection.close ();} Jasper print back ;} Public byte [] ExporterMoisPDF (String Searaut, Long Anne, Look Mice, String Latex_Decurement, String Date_Decleration, String Moise_ Late, string namefisher Jasper) throws exceptions [Byte [] Rappport PDF = empty; Jasperprint jasperPrint = genererExportMoisJasper (siret, annee, mois, num_declarant, date_declaration, mois_lettre, nafichier jasper); Jasper print .SetLocalcode ("UTF-8") ; Rappport PDF = JasperXportManager.portportportport PDF (Jasper Print); Return Rappport PDF;  

Maybe you do not have all four of your fontname.ttf Add the appropriate font for the switch to the cutter Jesprreport-fonts-Aks.aks.aksjer and re-compile it.


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