Splunk query language for R -
I use heavy SPLUNK and SPLUK Rest API most of the time it works fine. It is easy to use SPUNK query language for non-developer also to test software strength, I use R in front of SPLUNK to develop an advanced analysis package. I want to mix both.
Is there any R package or R software that accepts and processes the SPLUNK query? If not, then does anyone need this functionality?
It is called
It's really easy to use.
| R "output = data.frame (name = c ('a', 'b', 'c'), value = c (1,2,3))"
. Or simply the name of an R script file that has been uploaded to the app:
| R myscript.r
comes in the form of input input
and you want to bring them back to your results in the output
- Download the app
- The path to your r bone is
$ SPLUNK_HOME / etc / apps / r / default / r.conf
Add tor = / usr / bin / r
- R pipe in your search command like this:
| Here is a slightly more complex example: "exp" (mean (log (data matrix (input))) -> Output "
< Code> Sourcetype = ps as soon as possible = -4m | Multicav Field RSZ_KB | Search RSZ_KB & gt; 0 and VSZ_KB> 0 | Table RSG_KB VSGH_KB | R "gm_mean = function (x, na.rm = TRUE) {exp (sum (log (x (x [x> 0]), na.rm = na.rm) / length (x))} data & lt; - Data
x 132.902175678696 34188.4285350717
< / Code> ago>
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