sitecore - Save to Database action missing in Web Forms for Marketers 2.5 -

I have installed a web form for Marketers 2.5 in the new frequency of Sitcom 7.5 and in the "Save to database" new version Also there is no MDF file in the version, I believe that because this new version uses mangodibi, a WFFM_Analytics.sql is not sure which I need to use to run this file.

"Reporting" database is not connected to DB server by default when you initially install Sitcom 7.5 (Not least with SIM).

Per - volume 6.2:

Configuring the Reporting Database - SQL Server Sitecore.Analytics.mdf Attach the database. This database is used for reporting.

In the ConnectionStrings.config file, customize the following string:

  & lt; Add name = "reporting" connectionString = "user id = _username_; password = _password_; data source = _server_; database = cycler_anilinetics" />  Note:  You can find a sitcom-analytics database under [site root] \ database folder 

. Updated the connection string, you must compile the installer instructions package to run the SQL file. (See Brad's answer).

You are right that the action of 'Save to database' is no longer the case. I try to see if the data has been saved automatically or if someone is saving in a database, then no package was exempt at packaging.


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