c# - Can't resolve namespace while parsing a XML wih XDocument -

I need some help in parsing this XML.

I get the following string and I need to get the value of "MensajeError"


I have made it on physical tags but I do not manage to parse under XML

  var xDocument = XDocument.Parse (resultado) can; X-namespace soap = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"; Var xElements = xDocument.Descendants (Soapenby + "Body"). First ()  

The tag that I tried to parse "" failed. I just need to retrieve the "Mentass Aror" tag


You can just use the local name:

  Var nodeValue = XDocument.Parse (resultado). Dscendants () First (n = & gt; n.Name.LocalName == "MensajeError"). value; // nodeValue = "error1"  


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