elisp - Emacs: use add-hook inside function (defun) -

if i do

  (ad-hook 'hascal-mode-hook (lambda (Setq Indent-Tabs-Mode T) (Setting Tab Width 4) (Message "OK")))  

In my ~ / .emacs.d / init , then executes (lambda ...) when I enter Haskell-Mode .

However, if I have a function like this:

  (hook-temode tiered) (Ad-hook hook (Lambda () (Satac Indent) -Tabs-mode temode) (Setac tab-width Twidth) (message "OK"))))  

and then later it ~ / .emacs.d / init. Call in el :

  (my-add-hook 'is Hascale-mode-hook T4)  

then nothing happens (Even "OK" message is not displayed). Is add-hook / a special function that can not be used within defun ? I have the per-project settings defined in a separate initialization file that detects the buffer name and adds (lambda () ... which is in the appropriate key mode (in the example above, Haskell Mode ); I want to reduce the vocabulary of code using a thin wrapper like my-add-hook , but I can not tell why < Code> Ad-hook is very difficult.

EDIT1: Explanation D added.

EDIT2: When I try to use my-add- I get the message "File mode Specification error: (zero-variable TMode)" message I hook < / Code>.

This is a simple improvement without the need to know about lexical binding: / P> (Defuse My Ad-hook (hook temode twdth) (ad-hook hook) (lambda () (satac indent tabs-mode, mode) (Set-tab-width, twdth) (Message "OK")))


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