mysql - How to number Duplicate rows in sql -
I am trying to figure out the best / simplest way of duplicated lines in the same way. I have a set of data I am uploading to the database table, I have uploaded it, and auto has extended it, now I want to generate order_id in fashion shown in my question. For example
---- ID ------- NAME ----------- ORDER_ID ---------- 1 Bob Smith 1 Steve Jones 2 3 Bob Smith 1 4 Billy Boys 3 Steve Jones 2 -------------------------------- I was thinking that I can use a statement like select the table from NAME Where name = Duplicate_name
but I can not seem to know how to actually go about it, enter the appropriate ORDER_ID
later in the form An easy way to respond?
You can do something like this:
SELECT AID, A A.N., (T.D. to T.I.E. from the table with name of TIE = ANI order) TDI as ORDER_ID AS A
If your database engine does not support top keywords, but supports LIMIT keywords, then you might be able to:
SELECT A. ID, A.NAME, (Select CD from TDID T.D.C.I.I.IIIEIIT. Wara 1. ASDER_ID AS the table as 1 as A.ti.a. ORDER)
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