vb.net - Determine if all members of a list are unique -
I searched and found a number of answers about finding and / or removing duplicates from a list and found. I would be able to adapt any of these to my specific need, which is to find only that there is more than a unique value in the list of integers.
However, it seems that there is a problem in my project. All the answers I found, using all the specific ()
or GroupBy ()
, which have been added to all the extension methods in .NET 3.0. I have verified that the target framework of the project is set to 4.5, and all the system references in this project are 4.0.30319.
I get an error
is not a member of the 'distributed' system. Selection. Generic The list goes (for integer) '
The same group goes to the group, selection, etc. Why am I not using these methods?
As I said in the comment, LINQ requires that you include the library. Do not forget it
For future skirmishes, you do this by typing it:
Import system.log
The best happens to us. : D
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