Displaying spacial characters in combobox on select extjs4 -

I want to display Spanish Spanish characters such as, AA, A, A, A, combobox. SO, I wrote the code for it in the local file, Inkl & # xE9; Sapa & # xF1; Ol, etc. When I open the dropdown, it shows the correct word, but when I select it, it shows the code in the box. This is what happens with the box labels, it shows the code instead of the special character. Can anyone recommend me a solution for this? Thank you.

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The problem occurs because the list The present element is provided as divs (hence html entities work), whereas price box is provided as input (institutions do not work). It is easiest to display national characters to replace entities with genuine Unicode characters. You can override this setRawValue method:

  Ext.define ('Ext.ux.form.ComboBox', {extend: 'Ext.form.ComboBox ', SetRawValue: function (value) {this.callParent ([decodeEntities (value)]);}});  



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