excel vba - VBA code to delete a row based on a non empty cell in a column -
I am running a report of employees who take time on different codes In the report, I get the following columns: < If the employee has been left / p>
Emp # / amp name / rate / termaid
, then there is a value in the Term Dat column.
Because the value in the cell can be any date, I want to write a macro that will be able to search the list and delete the row in which the value of the fourth column is not empty.
I 'on the basis of empty cells, how to delete a line, or on the basis of certain values, but many instances of none at any blank value have been found.
Each report will also contain a different number of rows, depending on the value of the last column, I need help selecting the range in the range and removing the rows.
Fastest way. Use the .ofofofter
no need for loop ...
sub-sample () Dim LRow with this working book Long Dim Dellange in the form of. Sheet ("Sheet1") '~~ & gt; Remove any filter. AutoFilterMode = False LRow =. ("D" and .rows.Count). End (xlUp) .Row with Range ("A1: D" and LRow). Autofilter field: = 4, Criteria1: = " & gt; Set delRange =. Offset (1, 0). Special Kekel (XLSL type viable). '~ ~ & Gt; Remove any filter. AutoFilterMode = If not finished with error, then nothing delreange.Delete End Sub
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