c++ - How can I draw an image in a static area in an MFC dialog? -
I have a static field in an MFC dialog and an ID is specified: IDC_STATIC
. How can I connect this IDC_STATIC
ID to the headler ( HWND
), as if my image will be embedded within a static text area?
HWND G_hWnd3 = NULL; HDC G_HDC3 = Faucet; G_hDC3 = :: GetDC (g_hWnd3);
How can I give static text ID as GetDC ()
You should consider getting your own class from CSTTech. The advantage of this approach is that you can control all rendering to control a self contained class. Specifically, if you define the constant control with the SS_OWNERDRAW style, you will be able to handle its rendering when called DrawItem, then you will get DrawItemStruct to get an indicator, where it is embedded There is a handle for DC of control that you can use to present under control.
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