javascript - First step to take learning matrices in WEBGL -

After drawing a simple triangle in Webgl, I decided to know how to make changes. So basically I am thinking that the simplest thing I can do is write an identity matrix and multiply it for the top posts.

So I've added the code as identity matrix

  var identityMatrix = [1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0, 0 , 0,1,0, 0,0,0,1];  

Then I have added the matte 4 variable in the shader

  'uniform matte id_metrics;'  

And multiplying it for the situation (so I'm not expecting changes in the changes at all, because I multiply everything from 1)

  gl_Position = Id_matrix * vec4 (a_position, 1);  

Finally, I get the matrix in shader and fills it with my data I

  var shaderIdentityMatrix = gl.getUniformLocation (program, "id_matrix "); Gl.uniformmatrix4fv (shaderIdentityMatrix, false, new Float32Array (identity matrix);  

But after those changes, you do not see anything on the screen do what I'm doing wrong perceptions?

Here is the full code

    Canvas ID = "can" width = "400" height = "400" & gt; & Lt; / canvas & gt; & LT; script & gt; Var webgl_canvas = document.getElementById ( 'can'); Var gl = webgl_canvas.getContext ( 'experimental Vebgl'); Var triangle = [-0.8, -0.8,0,0.8, -0.8,0,0,0.8,0]]; Var recognition metrics = [1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1, 0, 0,0,0,1]; var vertexBuffer = gl.createBuffer (); Gl.bin dbuffer (gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, Vertex buffer); Gl.bufferData (gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new float 32 Array (triangle), gl.STATIC_DRAW); Warteksbfrkitmsis = 3; vertex buffer. Anaimaitims = 3; Var vertexShader_source = 'featuring vec3 A_position; '+', as Matt 4 Aidi_matriks "+" void main () {gl_Position = id_matrix * vec4 (a_position, 1);} '; Var fragmentShader_source =' precise through float; "+" void main () {gl_FragColor = Vec4 (0.9,0,0.1,1); } '; // package shaders var buildShader = function (shaderSource, typeOfShader) {var shader = gl.createShader (typeOfShader); Gl.shaderSource (shader, shaderSource); Gl.compileShader (shader); If (! Gl.getShaderParameter (shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {Warning (gl.getShaderInfoLog (shader)); } Return shader; } Var integrated VertexShader = buildShader (vertexShader_source, gl.VERTEX_SHADER); Var CompiledFragmentShader = BuildShedder (Fission Shader_source, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER); // Setup GLSL Program Program = gl.createProgram (); Gl.attachShader (program, compiledVertexShader); Gl.attachShader (program, compiledFragmentShader); Gl.linkProgram (program); // Draw Var Shadaridity Matrix = GGUFF Formation (Program, "ID_matrix"); Gl.uniformmatrix4fv (shaderIdentityMatrix, False, New Float32Array (Identity Matrix); Var Positioning = gl.getAttribLocation (program, "a_position"); gl.enableVertexAttribArray (positionLocation); gl.useProgram (program); Gl.vertexAttribPointer (position location, vertexBuffer.itemSize, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); Gl.drawArrays (Gl. Triyengls, 0, Vertex Bfrknm Items); & Lt; / script & gt; & Lt; / html & gt;  


currently Running shaders are currently running on the program since you can use this function No shader program is activated while doing so, so nothing is set. Calling

  gl.useProgram (program);  

Uniform Directly the Matrix 4fv details should correct your problem.

Hint: Always check the Javascript error console at least for me (Chrome) it tells me that

  WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: Veridometrics 4fv: The location is not from the current program  

Which is a good sign To discover where the problem is.


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